January 20, 2020
Today was a weird day. January 20 always is for me. Sometimes I spend it alone, usually out in the wilderness or on a country road grinding out mile after mile on my bike. And sometimes, I spend it with a group of people, letting them distract me from the past. But always exercising self care.
Today was a little different. I had planned to spend it at River Song, losing myself in its wildness and focusing on work. But, I was a little sore from yesterday. I had gone on a snowshoe field trip with the Mountaineers, and it was pretty tough. I’m definitely not in the same shape I was a year ago!
So, self care prescribed a rest day. I spent the morning watching some of my favorite YouTubers. Well, OK, watching Spirit Forest. Tammy has really inspired me, to the point that she has become a role model. More than a year ago, I watched her video about how she saved up money for a new roof, and instead, spontaneously spent it buying an acre in the wilderness. She said she never regretted it, even though it meant delaying fixing her roof.
This was the inspiration for my buying River Song.
She took a leap of faith and purchased Spirit Forest, and I took a leap of faith and purchased River Song.
When I first started this blog in August 2018, I had intended the focus to be kayak camping, which is why I chose the domain havekayakwilltravel.net. As you can see, it has morphed into more than that. In fact, it’s mostly NOT about kayak camping. OK, actually, it’s completely not about kayak camping because I still haven’t gone! And, while kayaking is still my most very favorite thing to do in the world, there are lots of other outdoor activities I really enjoy, such as snowshoeing, cross country skiing, backpacking, traveling, and more. And, I’ve filled a lifelong dream–having a place on the water.
My blog is just not so much about kayak camping. It’s about much more. The domain name havekayakwilltravel.net just doesn’t fit anymore.
And, I’ve been trying to come up with some kind of logo. There’s only so many things one can do with a kayak in a logo. I’ve seen some cool ones, but I couldn’t come up with anything. Not really surprising because I’m not the artistic type. But, I did come up with a pretty cool idea for a logo for River Song.
That would also be a really cool domain name, if it were available.
Yeah, I knew it wouldn’t be.
But river-song.com is.
Wait a minute. I hate using hyphens in domain names, but it is shorter than tropicalbeach.com and especially havekayakwilltravel.net.
It just might work.
And, it fits into my changing life focus.
For now, river-song.com forwards to havekayakwilltravel.net, as does tropicalbeach.com, a domain I’ve owned since 1997. But, over the next few months, I’m slowly going to move to river-song.com as my primary domain. I will finalize my logo, which will be based on something I saw at River Song a few weeks ago.
I’m happy. I like it. River-song.com is more representative of me than havekayakwilltravel.net.
So stay tuned! I’ve had a busy January. I visited Long Beach, Washington, for a few days at the beginning of the year and went on several hikes, visited two lighthouses, and even saw a shipwreck. I spent a few days working at River Song, took a couple of snowshoe and avalanche classes with the Mountaineers and REI, went on a snowshoe trip in the mountains, and I’ve done a few more short hikes in the Olympia area. I’m a little behind on my blogging and hoping to catch up soon!
The adventures continue!